War Against Melanoma
The WAM Foundation
1478 Sunflower Street Lewis Center, OH 43035
Email: info@thewamfoundation.org
Donate to the War Against Melanoma
Donate Now!
Securely by Paypal
Directly to our account at
The James Cancer Center
Cash, Check or Money Order to:
The WAM Foundation
1478 Sunflower Street
Lewis Center, OH 43035
With ongoing support from people like you we can achieve our goals of raising public awareness of melanoma, educating our community about prevention methods, promoting screenings for early detection, funding research to find effective treatment methods and ultimately a cure for melanoma.

We graciously accept donations in person, by mail, via PayPal's secure transaction process or directly to our WAM fund account at The Ohio State University James Cancer Hosptial and Solove Resarch Center. If you prefer to donate cash or by check or money order, please send to The WAM Foundation, 1478 Sunflower Street, Lewis Center, OH 43035.

The WAM Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Click here to see a copy of our IRS tax exemption letter